48 Trail Guide
Owner’s Manual
appendIx > addInG maps to your traIl GuIde
To see the smaller maps that make up the larger map family,
highlight the map family name and then press OK. A list of all
maps within that map family appears.
To disable a map, uncheck the box next to the map name. If the
maps loaded in your Trail Guide do not overlap, you should not
need to disable map families. If you load maps that cover the same
area, however, you may want to disable one of the map families so
that you can view detail from the other one.
Changing Map Families when Finding Places
If your Trail Guide contains map families that have overlapping
information, you may need to specify a different map family. In
most cases the Trail Guide knows which map family to use for this
particular search.
To change the map family:
1. Press FIND, highlight a category, and press OK.
2. Press MENU, highlight Select Map, and press OK. A list
of installed maps that contain searchable cities or places
3. Highlight the map family you want to use for the search and
press OK. The Trail Guide will then return a list of cities or
places only from this map family.