2 RiverPark GVN 52 Owner’s Manual
Manual Conventions
When you are instructed to “press” something, you
should press that button on the remote control.
When you are instructed to “select” something, use
the Thumb Stick on the remote control to move the
highlight (yellow box) to that item on the screen. After
you highlight the object, press the Thumb Stick in to
select it.
To select Go To, highlight it
and press the Thumb Stick in.
You will see small arrows (>) used in the text. They
indicate that you should select a series of items. For
example, if you see “select Tools > GPS Info > GPS
Settings,” you should select the Tools button, then select
GPS Info, and then select GPS Settings.
Entering Data
Sometimes, you may need to enter letters and numbers
into the navigation system. For example, you may need
to enter the name of a restaurant. To enter letters and
numbers, you can use the on-screen keyboard to select
each letter or number you want to enter. You can also use
the alphanumeric keys on the remote control.
Back to exit
this page.
Select 123 to
enter numbers.
Select to
insert a space.
Select to delete
a character.