G3X Installation Manual – Post Installation Checkout and Calibration Procedures Page 8-13
190-01115-01 Revision A
11. The PFD guides the operator to dwell at multiple headings around a complete circle.
Due to high winds or excessive airframe vibration, the operator may encounter a
condition where the PFD restarts the 18-second countdown without full completion of the
previous countdown. If this is encountered more than once for a given station, the
operator should begin turning to the next station (approximately 30°). A minimum of 2
successful stations per quadrant is required, where a successful station is a full 18-second
countdown followed by instruction to move. Ensure that if stations are skipped, a
minimum of 2 stations per quadrant are completed. Thus, it may sometimes be required
to dwell at a station after a countdown restart. A maximum of 30 stations is allowed for
the entire calibration procedure. If too many countdown restarts are encountered, the
calibration will fail with the message, “TOO MANY STATIONS.”
12. When the calibration is finished, a Done button will appear at the bottom of the display,
ensure that a CALIBRATION SUCCESSFUL message appears at the bottom of the display,
press the ENT Key to return to the GSU Status Page.