To create a new waypoint using a reference waypoint:
1. Follow steps 1-5 (on page 32) for creating a new waypoint.
2. Highlight the reference waypoint field and press the SCAN softkey.
3. Use the K keypad to scan the waypoint list and find the desired reference
waypoint. Press C to confirm the reference waypoint.
4. Press C to begin entry of the bearing from your reference waypoint to the
new waypoint position. Enter the bearing and press C.
5. Press C to begin entry of the distance from your reference waypoint to the
new waypoint position. Enter the distance and press C. The position for the
new waypoint will automatically be calculated for you.
6. Press the C key to confirm the OK prompt.
The last softkey function under the waypoints softkey is the nearest way-
points function. The NEAREST softkey will display a list of the nine nearest
waypoints within 100 nautical miles of your present position, with the way-
point name, icon, distance and bearing displayed.
To scroll through and review the nearest waypoint list:
1. Press the WAYPTS softkey (if you are not currently in the waypoints submenu).
2. Press the NEAREST softkey.
3. Use the K keypad to scroll through the list in either direction.
4. Press the C key to review the highlighted waypoint.
5. Highlight the OK prompt and press C to return to the waypoint list.
6. If you want to see the review waypoint window for each listing, you can also
scroll through the entire list by pressing the C key repeatedly.
Reference Waypoints
Nearest Waypoints List
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