Time: The current time and date. It can be displayed in 12-hour or 24-hour
format in local time or universal (UTC) time.
Time to VNAV
: See Est. Time to VNAV on the previous page.
Track: The direction of movement relative to a ground position. Also referred
to as ground track.
Trip Avg. Speed (Moving): The average speed while moving since the last
reset of the Trip Computer. Displayed as Mov Avg Spd
Trip Avg. Speed (Total): The total average speed traveled since the last reset of
the Trip Computer. Displayed as Ttl Avg Spd
Trip Odometer: The total distance traveled since the Trip Computer was reset.
Trip Timer (Moving): The length of time your vehicle has been in motion,
since the Trip Computer was reset. Displayed as Move Timer
Trip Timer (Total): The total time the unit has been tracking since the Trip
Computer was reset.
Ttl Avg Spd
: See Trip Avg. Speed (Total).
Turn: The direction of, and distance to, the next turn on an active route.
User Timer: The timer you set in the Main Menu.
Velocity Made Good: The rate of closure on a destination based upon your
current speed and course of travel. Displayed as VMG.
Vertical Speed: The rate of climb or descent.
Voltage: The direct current voltage level of an external power source.
Water Speed: (Marine Only) The data acquired from measurement devices
interfaced to the unit is used to calculate your current speed over water.
Water Temperature: (Marine Only) The temperature of water at a measured
depth using measurement devices interfaced to the unit.
Waypoint (Destination): The last point on a route, your destination. Displayed
as Dest Wpt.
Waypoint (Next): The next waypoint in your route. Displayed as Next Wpt
GPSMAP 276C Owner’s Manual 117