58 GPSMAP 2206/2210 Owner’s Manual
Sonar Alarms
Use the Sonar sub tab to set sonar* alarms, including shallow or deep water,
water temperature, and fish.
• Shallow Water/Deep Water—sets an alarm to sound when you enter
an area of specified depth that is too shallow or too deep. You must be
receiving sonar data for this function to work.
• Water Temperature—sets an alarm to sound when the transducer reports
a temperature either above, below, inside, or outside the specified values.
• Fish —sets an alarm to sound when the unit detects a fish of the specified
*You must be receiving NMEA sonar data or using a GSD 20, GSD 21, or GSD 22 for the
sonar alarms to function.
System Tab
The System tab consists of five sub tabs:General, Units, Time, Comm, and
General Sub Tab
Use the General sub tab to control system settings for system mode, speed filter,
automatic backlight, beeper, language, simulator controls, restore factory default
settings, and to view the software version.
The following settings and options are available:
• System Mode—select Normal (normal navigation) or Simulator (for
practice only). For more information about Simulator Mode, see “Simulator
Mode” on page 8.
• Speed Filter—averages speed readings. Select Off, Auto (automatically
controls filtering), or On (allows you to enter a value from
1 to 255 seconds).
• Automatic Backlight—automatically adjusts the display brightness to a
specified level at sunrise and sunset. You can specify offset minutes for
before sunrise and after sunset.