190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specifications Rev. B
Page 19
4.2.11 GPS Fix Data Sentence (PGRMF)
<1> GPS week number (0 to 1023)
<2> GPS seconds (0 to 604799)
<3> UTC date of position fix, ddmmyy format
<4> UTC time of position fix, hhmmss format for GPS 18x PC/LVC; hhmmss.s format for GPS
<5> GPS leap second count
<6> Latitude, ddmm.mmmm format for GPS 18x PC/LVC; ddmm.mmmmm format for GPS 18x-
5Hz (leading zeros must be transmitted)
<7> Latitude hemisphere, N or S
<8> Longitude, dddmm.mmmm format for GPS 18x PC/LVC; dddmm.mmmmm format for GPS
18x-5Hz (leading zeros must be transmitted)
<9> Longitude hemisphere, E or W
<10> Mode, M = Manual, A = Automatic
<11> Fix type, 0 = no fix, 1 = 2D fix, 2 = 3D fix
<12> Speed over ground, 0 to 1851 kilometers/hour
<13> Course over ground, 0 to 359 degrees, true
<14> Position dilution of precision, 0 to 9 (rounded to nearest integer value)
<15> Time dilution of precision, 0 to 9 (rounded to nearest integer value)
4.2.12 Map Datum (PGRMM)
The Garmin Proprietary sentence $PGRMM gives the name of the map datum currently in use by the GPS sensor.
This information is used by the Garmin MapSource real-time plotting application.
<1> Name of map datum currently in use (variable length field, for example, “WGS 84”)
4.2.13 Sensor Status Information (PGRMT)
The Garmin Proprietary sentence $PGRMT gives information concerning the status of the GPS sensor. This
sentence is transmitted once per minute regardless of the selected baud rate.
<1> Product, model and software version (variable length field, for example, “GPS 18x VER 2.05”)
<2> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<3> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<4> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<5> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<6> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<7> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<8> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
<9> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backwards compatibility)
4.2.14 3D Velocity Information (PGRMV)
<1> True east velocity, -514.4 to 514.4 meters/second for GPS 18x PC/LVC; -514.44 to 514.44 for GPS
<2> True north velocity, -514.4 to 514.4 meters/second for GPS 18x PC/LVC; -514.44 to 514.44 for GPS
<3> Up velocity, -999.9 to 999.9 meters/second for GPS 18x PC/LVC; -999.99 to 999.99 for GPS 18x-5Hz