Trip Computer
Data Field Options
• Elevation—the measurement of height above mean sea level.
• Glide Ratio—the ratio of horizontal distance travelled to vertical distance travelled.
For example, a 6:1 glide ratio indicates a 1000’ vertical descent for every 6000’
horizontal distance travelled
• Heading—the direction you are traveling.
• Lat/Lon—(Latitude/Longitude) the current GPS position.
• Location—shows your current latitude and longitude.
• Max Speed—the maximum speed traveled since last reset.
• Moving Avg—( Moving Average) the average speed while the unit is moving.
• Odometer—a running tally of distance traveled, based upon the distance between
second-by-second position readings.
• Over’l Spd—( Overall Speed) the averaged speed since your last reset, including
stopped and moving time.
• Speed—shows how fast you are going.
• Sunrise—the time at which the sun rises on this day at the specifi ed location.
• Sunset—the time at which the sun sets on this day at the specifi ed location.
• Time of Day—the current time for the selected time zone.
• Time-Moving—the time elapsed while the unit is moving since the last trip reset.
• Time-Stop—the time elapsed while the unit is not moving since the last trip reset.
• Time-Total— the total time you have traveled since the last trip reset.
• Trip Odom—(Trip Odometer) the total distance you’ve gone since the last reset.
• Vert Speed—( Vertical Speed) the rate of altitude gain/loss over time.
The following fi elds display fi gures only when navigating:
• Bearing—the compass direction from your location to your destination.
• Course—the direction from your starting location to a destination.
• Final Dest—( Final Destination) the last waypoint on your route.
• Final Distance—the distance from your current location to your destination.
• Final ETA— the estimated time you will arrive at your destination.
• Final ETE— the estimated total time left until you reach your destination.
• Gld Rt Dest—( Glide Ratio Destination) the glide ratio required to descend from current
location and altitude to the location and altitude of your destination
• Next Dest—( Next Destination) the next waypoint on your route.
• Next Dist—( Next Distance) the distance between your current location and the next
• Next ETA—the estimated time you will arrive at the next waypoint.
• Next ETE—the estimated total time left until you reach the next waypoint.
• Off Course—the distance you are off a desired course in either direction, left or right.
• To Course—the compass direction you must go to get back to the original course.
• Turn—the angle difference (in degrees) from the bearing to your destination and your
current line of travel. ‘L’ means turn Left, ‘R’ means turn Right.
• Vmg—( Velocity Made Good) the speed you are closing in on a destination along a
desired course. Also referred to as the ‘vector velocity’ to your destination.
• Vt Spd Dest—( Vertical Speed Destination) the speed at which you are descending to
your destination altitude
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