190-00355-04 Page 27
Rev. J GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio Activation Procedures
7. For GDL 69A/69AH units, the audio portion is activated independently from the weather. The
activations will not be simultaneous. Once the data channel is activated, bring up the XM Radio
page on the GMX 200. This can be accomplished by pressing the FN key until XM is displayed.
Press the XM smart key. A non-activated unit will display only channel 0 (Radio ID) and channel 1
(XM Preview). An activated unit will display the full list of XM channels. Tune to channel 1, while
waiting for audio activation. Wait for the XM display to become populated with the XM channel list
(see Figure 6-2 above for an example of what this looks like).
8. Select an XM channel in order to lock in the radio activation.
Channels 0, 1 are free preview channels and should not be used for this procedure. Press either the
Up or Down Arrow key and then press the SEL key to select a new channel. Wait for the channel to
be displayed in the Active Channel box at the top of the XM display. The XM radio activation is
complete when the channel is displayed.
6.2 Refreshing
If the unit is not activated after one hour a „refresh‟ may be needed. To accomplish this go to the website
https://care.siriusxm.com/retailrefresh_view.action as explained in Section 2.2. When asked for the Radio
ID number on the website, enter the ID number of the service you are refreshing, either your audio
package or your data (weather) package. If refreshing both, you‟ll have the opportunity to „refresh
another XM radio‟. If you still are having trouble, call Garmin AT technical support using the telephone
numbers listed at the front of this guide.
6.3 Deactivating and Reactivating the GDL 69 Series
When the GDL 69 Series is not properly activated, in some cases it may be necessary to perform a full
deactivation and reactivation of the system in order to make it work properly. This procedure is
complicated and should never be attempted without the guidance of Garmin AT technical support
personnel. Please contact Garmin AT technical support using the telephone numbers listed at the front of
this guide.