94 GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual
APPendIx > dAtA fIeld defInItIons
Off Course—the distance off your direct course line.
Pointer—the arrow that indicates the direction to travel to
the next point on a route.
Speed—your current vehicle speed measured in miles per
hour, kilometers per hour, or knots.
Speed - Maximum—the maximum speed you have
attained since the trip computer was reset.
Speed - Moving Avg.—the average speed while your
vehicle was moving.
Speed—Overall Avg.—the average speed determined by
both the moving and stopped time and speed.
—the time of
sunrise for the current date and location.
Sunset—the time of sunset for the current date and location.
Time To Destination
the estimated time enroute to your final
destination, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time To Next
the estimated time enroute to the next point
on your route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time of Day—the current time and date. It can be
displayed in 12- or 24-hour format in local time or
universal (UTC) time.
To Course—your direction of travel to get back on course.
Trip Odometer—the running total of distance traveled
since the Trip Computer was reset.
Trip Time - Moving—the length of time your vehicle has
been in motion, since the trip computer was reset.
Trip Time - Stopped—the length of time that the vehicle has
been stopped (stationary) while the unit was powered on and
tracking your location (since the trip computer was reset).
Trip Time - Total—the total time the unit has been track-
ing since the trip computer was reset.
Turn—the direction and distance to the next turn on an
active route.
Velocity Made Good—the rate of closure on a destination,
based upon your current speed and course of travel.
Vertical Speed—the rate of altitude gain or loss over time.
Vertical Speed Dest—the measurement of your rate of
ascent or descent to a predetermined altitude.
Water Speed—the measurement of speed over water from
interfaced devices.
Water Temperature—the measurement of water tempera-
ture from interfaced devices.
Waypoint—At Destination—the last point on a route;
your destination.
Waypoint—At Next—the next point on your route.