Appendix H
Specifi cations
Physical Specifi cations
Size: 4.9" H x 6.3" W x 3.7" D (122.5mm x 157.5mm x 92.5mm)
Weight: 1.0 lb 3.5oz.(.553Kg)
Display: 3.2” W x 3.2” H (81.28mm) CSTN (Color Super Twist Nematic) with adjustable
CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlighting; (320x320 pixels)
Case: Fully gasketed, high-impact plastic alloy, waterproof to IEC 60529-IPX-7
Temp. Range: 5°F to 158°F (-15°C to 55°C)
Receiver: Differential-ready 12 parallel channel WAAS capable receiver
Acquisition Times:
Warm: Approx. 15 seconds
Cold: Approx. 45 seconds
AutoLocate: Approx. 2 minutes
Update Rate: 1/second, continuous
GPS Accuracy: Position*: <15 meters (49 feet), 95% typical*
Velocity: 0.05 meters/sec steady state
DGPS (USCG) Accuracy:
Position: 3-5 meters (10-16 feet) with optional Garmin DGPS receiver, 95% typical*
Velocity: 0.05 meters/sec steady state
GPSMAP178CManual.indd 116 3/19/2004, 3:11:15 PM