GA 30 GPS Antenna Installation Instructions
8. Secure the antenna to the mounting bracket with the included M3 set screw ➌.
9. Route the cable away from sources of electronic interference, and connect it to your GPS
device using the BNC connector.
Pole Mounting the GA 30 Antenna
With the pole-mount adapter attached to the GA 30 antenna, you can install the antenna on a
standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount (14 threads per inch—not included). You
can run the cable through the pole or outside the pole.
To mount the GA 30 with the cable run outside the pole:
1. Route the cable through the pole-mount adapter, and place the cable in the vertical slot
along the base of the pole-mount adapter.
2. Thread the pole-mount adapter onto a standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount
(14 threads per inch—not included). Do not overtighten the adapter.
3. Connect the cable to the GA 30 antenna.
4. Place the GA 30 antenna on the pole-mount
adapter ➊ and twist the antenna clockwise to
lock it in place ➋.
5. Secure the antenna to the adapter with the
included M3 set screw ➌.
6. (Optional) With the GA 30 installed on the pole
mount, ll the remaining gap in the vertical
cable slot with a marine sealant.
7. Attach the marine pole mount to the boat if it is
not already attached.
8. Route the cable away from sources of
electronic interference, and connect it to your
GPS device using the BNC connector.
To mount the GA 30 with the cable run
through the pole:
1. Position a standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount (14 threads per inch—not
included) in the preferred location, and mark the approximate center of the pole.
2. Drill a
in. (19 mm) hole for the cable to pass through.
Fasten the pole marine mount to the boat.
4. Thread the pole-mount adapter onto the pole. Do not overtighten the adapter.
5. Route the cable through the pole and connect it to the GA 30 antenna.
6. Place the GA 30 antenna on the pole-mount adapter ➊ and twist the antenna clockwise to
lock it in place ➋.
7. Secure the antenna to the adapter with the included M3 set screw ➌.
8. (Optional) With the GA 30 installed on the pole mount, ll the vertical cable slot with a marine
9. Route the cable away from sources of electronic interference, and connect it to your GPS
device using the BNC connector.
GA 30
Vertical cable
GA 30
Vertical cable