To speak the name of a popular place:
1. Speak Find Place by Name from any
“Find Place by Name”
2. Listen for the voice prompt, and speak
the name of the place. The nüvi repeats
the name of the place as it is searching.
3. A list of places appears. Speak the line
number of the place you want.
“Line 1”
4. Speak Yes to navigate to the place, or
speak No to go back to the list of found
To speak an address:
1. Speak Find Address from any screen.
2. Respond to the prompts to speak or spell
the city name, house number, and street.
Using Photo Navigation
provides photos that contain
location information called geotags. You can
load these geotagged photos onto your nüvi
or microSD card and navigate to them. See
http://connect.garmin.com/photos and your
owner’s manual for more information.
1. Select Where to? > Favorites >
Panoramio Photos.
2. Select a Panoramio photo.
3. Select Go! to navigate to the location.