
56 GPS Beginner’s Guide
Portability —do you have a preference
between a portable or a built-in unit?
Some units mount directly in the
dashboard of your boat, car, or aircraft.
Mapping Capability —do you want to
know the general direction or street-level
details of your chosen path? Map data
can include streets, restaurants, tourist
attractions, marine data, topography, and
so forth.
Mounts —a mount for your GPS can
be useful to keep your hands free
while navigating your bike, boat, car,
or airplane. Many units come with a
mount, and several additional mounts are
Ease of Use —some receivers provide
a tutorial or an easy-to-use touchscreen
interface. Some even have turn-by-turn
voice instructions as you are navigating
your route.
Antenna Confi guration —where are you
going to use the unit? With some units,
you use only the built-in antenna. With
other units, you can attach an external
antenna to give you better reception.
Price —which units  t your price range?
An inexpensive entry-level unit can be a
great way to enter the GPS world.
Software —whether you want to save
your favourite locations or plan a trip,
map software can help. You can use your
PC or go directly to
your GPS receiver. Your preference for
map detail and your speci c activities
determine which software is right for
Navigation Aids
Remember, a GPS receiver is a complement
to navigation and should not be the only
navigational tool that you use. Using a
paper map, a simple compass, and having
knowledge of manual navigation is a good,
safe practice.
For more detailed information on GPS
technology, refer to the following Web sites:
For more information
about GPS technology,
visit http://gps.faa.gov.
For more information
about the current status
of the GPS satellites,
visit http://tycho.usno.