14. Magnetic Variation Options
Magnetic variation has been simplified to the choices
of Magnetic and True.
See the section on Units/Position of the Setup 1 Page in
the Aux Pages chapter of the Pilot’s Guide for more details.
15. Terrain Database
The Terrain function in Nav mode is now a standard
feature. The extensive database aids in terrain awareness.
TAWS remains as an option in the 500W series.
See the section on Terrain Operation in the Nav Pages
chapter of the Pilot’s Guide for more details.
16. Dead Reckoning (DR)
Dead reckoning is the process of continuing navi-
gation based on your last known position using your
current heading, speed, time, and distance to be traveled
after a loss of GPS navigation on an active flight plan.
Navigation using dead reckoning is therefore only an
estimate and requires that you maintain the course and
speed shown on your 400W/500W unit. Dead reckoning
should not be used if any other means of navigation is
available, such as a VOR or pilotage.
Dead reckoning becomes active after a loss of GPS
position while you are navigating using an active flight
plan. A pop-up message will appear and requires pilot
input to clear the message. Dead reckoning is not avail-
able if you are in terminal or approach modes.
When Dead Reckoning is active, the ownship icon
color is changed to yellow and the To/From flag is
removed from the CDI. The Dead Reckoning annun-
ciator (DR) appears on the left side of the map display
when GPS position is unavailable and the unit is in Dead
Reckoning mode. All external outputs dependent on
GPS position are flagged.
See the section on Dead Reckoning in the Nav Pages
chapter of the Pilot’s Guide for more details.
17. Satellite Status Page
The Satellite Status page has been redesigned to
provide WAAS GPS information.
Satellite Status Page Description
GPS Receiver
Sky View
of satellite
Signal Strength
Horizontal Figure of
Merit and Vertical
Figure of Merit
Estimated Position
Satellite, not
ready for
Satellite acquired
but not used for
position fix
acquired, used
for position
fix, and has
shown when the required
level of integrity is not
Current Page in NAV
(page position
depends on options;
see 400W/500W Series
Display Interfaces Pilot's
Guide Addendum)
UTC Time
See the section on the Satellite Status Page in the Nav
Pages chapter of the Pilot’s Guide for more details.
18. Graphics Speed
The graphics speed for redrawing the display is much
improved. This is especially evident on the Map and Ter-
rain displays.
19. Crossfill
Crossfill operation in the 400W/500W series units is
now 12x faster than in the Classic units. The databases
of the 400/500 series and the 400W/500W series are
incompatible, so you may not mix systems.