Appendix 23
go to www.garmin.com, and click Maps &
Safety Cameras
Garmin is not responsible for the accuracy of,
or the consequences of using, a custom POI or
safety camera database.
Safety camera information is available in some
locations. Check www.garmin.com/safetycamera
for availability. For these locations, the nüvi
includes the locations of hundreds of safety
cameras. Your nüvi alerts you when you are
approaching a safety camera and can warn you
if you are driving too fast. The data is updated at
least weekly, so you always have access to the
most up-to-date information.
You can purchase a new region or extend an
existing subscription at any time. Each region
that you purchase has an expiration date.
Purchasing Accessories
Go to http://buy.garmin.com.
Contacting Garmin Product
You can contact Garmin Product Support if you
have any questions about this product.
• Go to www.garmin.com/support.
• In the USA, call (913) 397.8200 or
• In the UK, call 0808 2380000.
• In Europe, call +44 (0) 870.8501241.