
4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
—uses BlueChart g2 Vision Chart data to suggest the best path to your destination using Auto
Guidance. You must be using a BlueChart g2 Vision data card for this option to appear.
Setting and Following a Direct Course Using Go To
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
You can set and follow a direct course from your current location to a selected destination.
1. Select a destination using a chart or Where To? (page 31).
2. Select  > .
A magenta line appears. In the center or the magenta line is a thinner purple line that represents the
corrected course from your current location to the destination. The corrected course is dynamic, and it
moves with your boat when you are off course.
3. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
: If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course) to go to your destination, or steer
back to the magenta line (direct course).
Creating and Following a New Route Using Route To
See “Creating and Navigating a Route from Your Present Location” (page 34).
Following a Saved Route Using Route To
See “Browsing for and Navigating a Saved Route” (page 40).
Setting and Following a Course Using Auto Guidance
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
1. Select a destination using a chart or Where To? (page 31).
2. Select  > .
3. Review the course indicated by the magenta Auto Guidance line.
: A gray line within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto Guidance cannot calculate part
of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the minimum safe water depth and the minimum safe obstacle
height settings (page 53).
4. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
You can store up to 5000 waypoints with a user-dened name, symbol, depth, water temperature, and comment
for each waypoint.
Marking Your Present Location as a Waypoint
Complete an action:
For the GPSMAP 4000 series, select  on any screen.
For the GPSMAP 5000 series, touch  at the top of the screen.
Creating a Waypoint at a Different Location
1. From the Home screen, select  >>>.
2. Indicate the location of the waypoint:
Select  to move the waypoint while viewing a chart. Select .
Select  to move the waypoint using coordinates. Select .
3. If necessary, you can name the waypoint and provide other information about it. Select the waypoint on the
right side of the screen and select Edit Waypoint.
Select . Select .
Select . Select a new symbol.