
Using Charts
14 GPSMAP 400/500 Series Owner’s Manual
To access the Perspective 3D screen from the Home screen, select 
> .
Press the key to move the view closer to your boat and lower to the
water. Press the  key to move the view away from the boat.
1. Use the  to point to the navaid. When the cursor is over the navaid,
the navaid is highlighted.
2. Press  to view details about the navaid.
To access additional settings or options from the Perspective 3D screen, select
—view, add, and congure waypoints and tracks.
—turn tracks on or off (page 27).
—view, sort, or lter existing waypoints, or create new ones.
—create and edit a new waypoint.
—manage tracks (page 27).
—view a list of tracks that have been saved.
—view information about other vessels. To view information
about other vessels, your unit must be connected to an external AIS (Automatic
Identication System) or DSC (Digital Selective Calling) device (page 59).
 (page 9)—show or hide the numbers for cruising, navigation,
shing, fuel, sailing, or the compass tape (page 9).
—customize the Perspective 3D chart.
—toggles the range rings on or off to provide distance
—adjusts the width of the course line drawn when navigating.
This setting also affects routes, but does not affect automatic
—turns the display of NEXRAD weather on or off. See the
GPSMAP 400/500 Series Weather Supplement for more information.