Using Charts
14 GPSMAP 400/500 Series Owner’s Manual
To access the Perspective 3D screen from the Home screen, select
> .
Press the key to move the view closer to your boat and lower to the
water. Press the key to move the view away from the boat.
1. Use the to point to the navaid. When the cursor is over the navaid,
the navaid is highlighted.
2. Press to view details about the navaid.
To access additional settings or options from the Perspective 3D screen, select
—view, add, and congure waypoints and tracks.
• —turn tracks on or off (page 27).
• —view, sort, or lter existing waypoints, or create new ones.
• —create and edit a new waypoint.
• —manage tracks (page 27).
• —view a list of tracks that have been saved.
—view information about other vessels. To view information
about other vessels, your unit must be connected to an external AIS (Automatic
Identication System) or DSC (Digital Selective Calling) device (page 59).
(page 9)—show or hide the numbers for cruising, navigation,
shing, fuel, sailing, or the compass tape (page 9).
—customize the Perspective 3D chart.
• —toggles the range rings on or off to provide distance
• —adjusts the width of the course line drawn when navigating.
This setting also affects routes, but does not affect automatic
• —turns the display of NEXRAD weather on or off. See the
GPSMAP 400/500 Series Weather Supplement for more information.