24 nüvi 30/40/50 Owner’s Manual
About nüMaps Lifetime
For a one-time payment, you can receive up to four
map updates each year for the life of your device. For
more information on nüMaps Lifetime
and complete
terms and conditions, go to www.garmin
.com, and click Maps.
Safety Cameras
Garmin is not responsible for the accuracy of, or
the consequences of using, a custom POI or safety
camera database.
Safety camera information is available in some
locations. Check http://my.garmin.com for availability.
For these locations, the nüvi includes the locations
of hundreds of safety cameras. Your nüvi alerts you
when you are approaching a safety camera and
can warn you if you are driving too fast. The data is
updated at least weekly, so you always have access
to the most up-to-date information.
You can purchase a new region or extend an existing
subscription at any time. Each region that you
purchase has an expiration date.
Purchasing Accessories
Go to http://buy.garmin.com.
Contacting Garmin Product Support
You can contact Garmin Product Support if you have
any questions about this product.
• Go to www.garmin.com/support.
• In the USA, call (913) 397.8200.
• In the UK, call 0808 2380000.
• In Europe, call +44 (0) 870.8501241.