
Astro 320 and DC40 Owner’s Manual 17
Tracking Your Dog
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Each dog you track has its own ID
number. If two dogs within range of
the Astro have the same ID, the Astro
warns you of a conicting ID signal.
Follow the on-screen instructions to
resolve the conict.
When possible, you should allow the
Astro to automatically assign IDs. If
necessary, you can manually assign a
new ID number to a dog.
This requires wireless communication
with the DC 40. You must turn on the
DC 40 and bring it within range of the
1. From the main menu, press DOG
2. Select a dog.
3. Select Show Info.
4. Press MENU.
5. Select Comm. Settings.
6. Select an unassigned and
nonconicting ID.
7. Change the update rate (optional).
Both 30-second and two-minute
rates reduce battery drain, but they
create a less-detailed dog track and
collected statistics.
8. Bring the Astro within a few feet of
the DC 40.
9. Follow the on-screen instructions.
1. From the main menu, press DOG
2. Select a dog in the list.
3. Select Remove.