
66 nüLink! 1695 Owner’s Manual
nüMaps Guarantee
To receive one free map update (if
available), register your device at
http://my.garmin.com within 60
days of acquiring satellites while
driving with your device. You are not
eligible for the free map update if
you register by phone or wait longer
than 60 days after the rst time you
acquire satellites while driving with
your device. For more information,
go to www.garmin.com/numaps.
nüMaps Lifetime
For a one-time payment, you can
receive up to four map updates each
year for the life of your device. For
more information, go to
www.garmin.com, and click on
Purchasing Additional
You can purchase maps of other
areas for your device.
1. Go to your device product page
on the Garmin Web site (www
2. Click the Maps tab.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
About Extras
You can download additional
content, such as custom POIs, from
Custom POIs are customized points
on the map. They can contain alerts
that let you know if you are near
a designated point or if you are
traveling faster than a specied
You can create or download custom
POI lists and install them on your