R/A and R/S: Distress relay for All Ships and for Selective (In-
dividual) calls. (Refer to page 3-9.)
DIS: Distress call. (Refer to page 3-1.)
GRP: Group call. Call a specific group by entering group
ID number.
GEO: Geographic area call. Call for ships within a range
set by you in the transmit message (menu). To des-
ignate the range, enter reference point and width
(range) data of both longitude and latitude.
s s
POS: Position request (Individual call). Find position
of other ship by entering its ID number.
POL: Polling call (Individual call). Confirm that own
ship is within communication range with other ship.
This function provides only negative response; it
does not provide position information.
MED: Medical transport (All ships call). Inform all
ships, by using “urgent” category, that own ship
carries medical goods.
NEU: Neutral craft (All ships call). Inform all ships by
Urgency or Safety category, that own ship is not a
participant in an armed conflict.