1.10 Receiving
You can select a receiving frequency by one of the following methods:
- Direct frequency entry, or
- Channel number entry
Adjusting RF gain:
In normal use the RF GAIN control should be set for maximum. If the audio on the received
channel is unclear or interfered with other signals, adjust (usually reduce) the RF gain to improve
Clarifier adjustment:
If reception is unclear, try to clarify the signal as follows. For manual entry of frequency, simply
turn the FREQ/CH control for fine tuning.
1. Press the [3] CLARIFY key. (if a frequency is selected by CH NO., the cursor which was
located at the channel number, moves under the 10 Hz place.)
2. Turn the FREQ/CH control to fine tune the receiver on the wanted frequency.
3. To terminate this operation, press the [3] CLARIFY key again. The cursor returns to the
channel number.
NOTE: The clarify working range can be adjusted, by an authorized FURUNO representative,
for ± 100 Hz or ± 150 Hz (factory setting: ± 150 Hz) on system code 9921. Note however that
the range on AM is fixed at ± 5 kHz (100 Hz steps).
S - Meter:
During reception, the meter works as a Sensitivity
Meter indicating the relative signal strength
coming into the receiver frontend. While in
transmission, it indicates the antenna current.
NOTE: S-meter will not work with AGC off.
Monitoring traffic on intended transmit frequency:
When a semi-duplex (two-frequency simplex) channel is selected, it is recommended to monitor
if there is no existing traffic on the frequency you are going to use. To do this, press the [RX] key
followed by the [ENT] key. The transceiver unit monitors traffic on the selected frequency for 3
Receiving AM broadcasting stations:
1. Press the [1] MODE key repeatedly until H3E with AGC is selected.
2. To tune in a 15,260 kHz shortwave station, for instance, press as below:
[RX], [1], [5], [2], [6], [0], [0], [ENT]. Do not miss the last zero.