Contents of a DSC call
• Calling category
Call category Call
Individual Individual, PSTN, Test, Position, Polling,
Relay Sel (specific coast station)
All Ships All Ships, Neutral, Medical, Relay All
Group Group
Geographical Area Area
Distress Call Distress
• Station ID
Own ship ID and sending station ID. Coast station ID begins with 00; Group ID
begins with 0.
• Priority
Distress: Grave and imminent danger and request immediate assistance.
Safety: A station is about to transmit a call containing an important
navigational or meteorological warning.
Urgency: A calling station has a very urgent call to transmit concerning safety of
ship, aircraft or other vehicle or safety of person.
Business: Communication related to the navigation, movements and needs of ships
and aircraft.
Routine: General calling
• Communication type
Telephone: Telephone (J3E) by SSB radiotelephone
NBDP-ARQ: Telex (J2B) mode ARQ via NBDP Terminal Unit
NBDP-FEC: Telex (J2B) mode FEC via NBDP Terminal Unit
• Communication frequency
Working frequency used to call by telephone or NBDP. The sending station may have
the receiving frequency (ship or coast station) assign the frequency to use.
• Position
Position can be automatically or manually sent.
• DSC frequency
DSC frequency to use. If the call category is SAFETY, URGENCY or DISTRESS,
choose a DSC distress frequency.
• End code
The end of a DSC call is denoted by ACK RQ (Acknowledge Request), ACK BQ
(Acknowledge Back) or EOS (End of Sequence).