7. Setting Modem Speed, Turning Line Moni-
tor On/Off
Default settings
Modem speed: 9600 bps
Line monitor: Off
1. Turn the power on while pressing [1] and [3] keys to get into the test
mode. Release the keys when the date appears. (Now you are in test
2. Press [FUNCTION/NO], [8], [FUNCTION/NO] (three times) and
[AUTO RCV/YES] in that order.
3. Press 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 in that order to change modem speed from
9600 bps to 2400 bps, 10: 9600 bps, 00: 2400 bps.
(If wrong number is entered, press [FUNCTION/NO] to clear.)
4. Press [AUTO RCV/YES] several times to display the following.
5. Press 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 in that order.
(Line Monitor Setting: ON)
6. Press [AUTO RCV/YES] and [RESET]. The parameter setting is
7. To print out function list and parameter setting, press [FUNC-
TION/NO], [1], [AUTO RCV/YES], [FUNCTION/NO] twice and [AU-
TO RCV/YES]. The printing is started.
8. To return to the normal display, turn the power off once and turn it on
FUNCTION 0 = 00010010
FUNCTION 18 = 00000110