Whenever you require any information about NavNet 3D, just visit
our web site, solely dedicated to the current and would-be users of
NavNet 3D, www.NavNet.com. At NavNet.com, you can access the
contents with in-depth product information from various angles,
including a NavNet 3D demonstration lm, introduction to the
product, product specications, online tutorial, system suggestions
and online system builder and much more! Also, you can nd
answers to questions you may have in our solution database (FAQs)
on the web site.
— Please make sure to register as a user —
Note to distributors:
Please make sure that the customer
receives this important document.
How to register with NavNet.com
Direct your internet browser to the following site.
Copyright ©2008 FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
User Registration Code
Here’s what you get when you register your products.
NavNet 3D User Registration
Latest information about NavNet 3D products
Latest NavNet 3D software updates
Latest version of chart data
r.Congratulations on your choice for NavNet 3D as your onboard partne
In order for us to provide excellent customer service and support to our
favored customers, please register with NavNet.com.
In order for you to register with NavNet.com, you will need the below-imprinted "Serial Number”
and "Registration Number".
Make sure that your NavNet 3D system has the latest versions of chart data and
Operating System software in order to maximize your boating experience with
NavNet 3D. As a valued NavNet 3D user, you can check your system to see if
you have the latest version of chart data and Operation System software on your
NavNet 3D from “My NavNet” within www.navnet.com. If you nd that the
newer versions of the Operating System software are available, you can update
your system software from “My NavNet” absolutely free of charge! Also, if the
newer version of the chart data of your region is available, you can purchase the
unlock code for the updated chart data from this page! Go register now and create
your own account with “My NavNet” at https://secure.navnet.com/mynavnet/.
“My NavNet” gives you a number of other premium benets. These include
receiving breaking news on NavNet 3D, obtaining a variety of support, and much
more. In order to register with “My NavNet”, you will need to have registration
number imprinted on the Registration Sheet you can nd in the product package
of your MFDs. Also, you can register your NavNet 3D family products (serial
number of a product is required for registration).
You can register the following products with “My NavNet” in order for you to
benet from the total package of unbeatable support:
DCU12, DFF1, DFF3, BBDS1, SC-30, FI-50, FA-30, FA-50, GP-330B, GP-33, RD-33,
NAVpilot 700 Series, PG-700, WS-200, DST-800.
When placing a purchase order for the unlock code, you will need to enter your NavNet 3D
System ID, which can be obtained from the menu “My NavNet” in your MFD.
Chart update and software update available for your NavNet 3D