2.1 Enlarging/Shrinking the
You may enlarge and shrink the display on
the Plotter 1 and Plotter 2 displays, with the
[ZOOM IN] and [ZOOM OUT] keys. The
horizontal range is available among 0.25, 0.5,
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 192 nautical
miles for plotter 1 and 0.36, 0.71, 1.42, 2.84,
5.69, 11.38, 22.76, 45.51, 91.02, 182.04,
273.07 nautical miles for plotter 2 display.
The [ZOOM IN] key enlarges the display and
the [ZOOM OUT] key shrinks it. Each time a
zoom key is pressed the display range appears
at the center of the display for about three sec-
2.2 Selecting Display
Display orientation can be selected on the
Plotter 1, Plotter 2 and Highway displays, with
the [NU/CU ENT] key. Two display orienta-
tions are available: north-up and course-up.
North-up display
In the north-up display, true north (0 ) is at
the top of the display. Own ship moves on the
display in accordance with true speed and true
motion. Land is stationary.
Course-up display
Destination set
The destination is at the top of the display and
the north mark ( ) appears at the left side of
the display.
Destination not set
Ship's heading or course is at the top of the
display. The north mark appears at the left side
of the display.
2.3 Shifting the Cursor
The cursor can be shifted with the cursor keys.
1) Press the [CURSOR ON/OFF] key to turn
on the cursor.
2) Press the cursor keys.
The cursor moves in the direction of the cur-
sor key pressed. When the cursor reaches the
edge of the display, the display shifts in the
direction opposite.
Data and cursor state
Cursor state determines what data are shown
on the display.
Cursor turned on, cursor data
Cursor position is displayed in latitude and
longitude or LOPs (depending on menu set-
ting) at the top of the display. The range and
bearing from own ship to the cursor appear at
the right hand side of the display, when in the
Plotter 1 display.
Cursor turned off
BRG To +
RNG To +
2.0 nm
Cursor mark Cursor position in
latitude and longitude
Range from own
ship to cursor
Bearing from own
ship to cursor
Figure 2-1 Data displayed when
the cursor in on
34° 23.456´ N 135° 45.678´ E