4. The cursor is on the first line of the dis-
play. If ARV is already selected, press s
and [ENT], set the alarm range with the
Cursor Pad and then go to step 6. If ARV
is not selected, press the [ENT] key. The
display shown in Figure 6-4 appears. Se-
lect ARV and press the [ENT] key.
Figure 6-4 Arrival/anchor window
5. Press the [ENT] key. Enter the alarm
range (0.01 – 99.99 nm) with the Cursor
6. Press the [ENT] key.
7. Press the [MENU] key twice to finish.
When own ship nears the GOTO waypoint
by the range set here, the buzzer sounds and
the message ARV ALARM! appears.
To disable the alarm, select OFF at step 4.
Anchor watch alarm
The anchor watch alarm sounds to warn you
that own ship is moving when it should be
at rest.
: Alarm
Own ship’s
Figure 6-5 How the anchor watch
alarm works
Before setting the anchor watch alarm, set
present position as destination waypoint.
1. Press the [MENU] key twice.
2. Select ALARMS.
3. Press the [ENT] key.
4. If ANC is already selected, press s and
[ENT], set the alarm range with the Cur-
sor Pad and then go to step 7. If ANC is
not selected, press the [ENT] key. The
display shown in Figure 6-4 appears.
Select ANC and press the [ENT] key.
5. Press the [ENT] key. Enter the alarm
range (0.01 – 99.99 nm) with the Cursor
6. Press the [ENT] key.
7. Press the [MENU] key twice to finish.
When own ship drifts more than the range
set here, the buzzer sounds and the message
ANC ALARM! appears.
To disable the alarm, select OFF at step 4.