Note: Alternatively, you may enter position,
leaving the waypoint number blank.
4) Enter range and bearing you wish to use
to calculate position of new waypoint.
5) Press the NU/CU ENT key. The display
now looks something like the one below.
_ _ _ _. _ _ _’N _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _’W
Mark: _
Cmnt: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENT: Enter
: Column
: Cursor
3232.22’N 13341.853’W
JUN 6’ 06 7:30U
: 002
6) If necessary, change waypoint number
and add a comment. For how to enter a
comment see page 4-2.
7) Press the CU/NU ENT key to finish.
Note: If waypoint number entered at step 6)
is an existing number, a part of a registered
route, a part of a currently selected route, or
a GOTO waypoint, a prompt asks if it is OK to
write over the waypoint. Follow the
instructions in the prompt to write over the
mark number or escape.
Registering waypoints through the
waypoint list
1) Press the WPT/RTE key.
2) Press 5 to display the waypoint list.
3) Press
to select position format;
latitude and longitude or LOP.
34° 12.345’ N 130° 23.456’ W
ENT: Enter
MENU: Escape
: Edit
36° 12.345’ N 135° 23.456’ W
AUG 12’ 95 12 : 35U
° . ’ N ° . ’ W
AUG 13’ 95 13 : 45U
° . ’ N ° . ’ W
Figure 4-10
4) Press
or to select unused
waypoint number.
5) Press
or to enter position. The
display should now look something like
Figure 4-11.
_ _°
Edit = Waypoint : 001
Mark :
Cmnt :
ENT: Enter
MENU: Escape
: Column
: Cursor
_ _._ _ _’ N _ _ _°_ _._ _ _’ W
Figure 4-11
6) Enter latitude and longitude. To enter 34°
12.345' N 135° 23.456' E, for example,
]) 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. 5
]) 1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
To change N to S or E to W, press
7) Press
8) Press
or to select mark.
9) Press the NU/CU ENT key.
10) Enter comment.
11) Press the NU/CU ENT key twice.
The waypoint list reappears. Waypoint
position and date and time the waypoint
was entered appear on the list.
12) To enter another waypoint through the
waypoint list, return to step 4.
13) Press the MENU ESC key to finish.