
CH Ship Tx Ship Rx Type of OperationCH Ship Tx Ship Rx Type of OperationCH Ship Tx Ship Rx Type of Operation
60+ 156.025 160.625
61+ 156.075 160.675
62+ 156.125 160.725
63 156.175 160.775 Com'l
64+ 156.225 160.825
65 156.275 160.875 Port Operations
66 156.325 160.925 Port Operations
67 156.375 156.375 Com'l
68 156.425 156.425 Non Com'l
69 156.475 156.475 Non Com'l
71 156.575 156.575 Non Com'l
72 156.625 156.625 Non Com'l
73 156.675 156.675 Port Operations
74 156.725 156.725 Port Operations
77 156.875 156.875 Port Operations
78 156.925 161.525 Non Com'l
79 156.975 161.575 Com'l
80 157.025 161.625 Com'l
81 157.075 161.675 Coast Guard
82 157.125 161.725 Coast Guard
83 157.175 161.775 Coast Guard
84 157.225 161.825 Public Corresp.
85 157.275 161.875 Public Corresp.
86 157.325 161.925 Public Corresp.
87 157.375 161.975 Public Corresp.
88 157.425 162.025 Com'l
+ Assigned by Canadian Government, proper authorization must be ensured prior to use.