FM-4000Page 38
Cancel a DSC Distress Call
If a DSC Distress call was sent by error, the FM-4000 allows you to send a
message to other vessels to cancel the Distress call.
Press the
key, then press the
11.3.2 Receiving a DSC Distress Call
1. When a DSC Distress call is received, an emergency
alarm sounds.
Then CH16 is automatically selected.
2. Press any key to stop the alarm.
3. The LCD shows the position of the vessel in distress.
4 If the distress data does not include latitude/longi-
tude position, the display shown right appears.
You must continue monitoring CH16 as a coast station may require as-
sistance in the rescue attempt.
The All Ships call function allows contact to be established with other vessel
stations without having their ID in the individual calling directory. Also, priority
for the call can be designated as Urgency or Safety.
URGENCY Call:This type of call is used when a vessel may not truly be in
distress, but have a potential problem that may lead to a dis-
tress situation. This call is the same as saying “PAN PAN PAN”
on CH16.
SAFETY Call: Transmit boating safety information to other vessels. This mes-
sage usually contains information about an overdue boat, de-
bris in the water, loss of a navigation aid or an important me-
teorological message. This call is the same as saying
“Securite, Securite, Securite.”