¡ The functions of CI-35 and CI-35H are same. CI-35H is type approved by MOT (Ministory of
¡ Even in deep waters where ground (bottom) reference is not available acoustically, the CI-35/
35H can provide absolute movements of measuring layers by receiving position (or speed) data
from GPS navigator and heading data from gyro compass. It may be used on deep sea fishing
boats or on ocean research vessels.
¡ The CI-35/35H consists of three major units; display unit; transceiver unit and hull unit (trans-
ducer), each compact enough to permit installation even on a small boat.
¡ Triple-beam system for automatic error compensation against pitching and rolling of vessel.
Single-mold transducer makes installation easy while maintaining mechanical beaming accu-
¡ Sounding frequency of 130 kHz provides high interference immunity from other acoustic equip-
ments. Intelligent digital signal processing technique adds tracking stability and measuring ac-
¡ Echo level display always on screen. Permits constant monitoring of signal conditions of three
sounding beams.
¡ Tide effect display plots movements of tides beneath the vessel’s course track. Helpful in esti-
mating three-dimensional deformation of cast net.
¡ Tide history display presents change of tide over last 24 sample points (24 hours maximum)
¡ Raw data output port provided for collecting and analyzing current data on a separate computer.
Note: When transmitting with the external transmission pulse (KP) taken from an external device
(echosounder, sonar, etc.), the repetition rate of the KP should be more than 500 ms. The repetition
rate may become shorter than 500 ms when the range setting on the external device is less than 100
m. Therefore, set the range on the external device to more than 100 m.