Rate of operation
The TX rate or operation is the percentage of data output in one second, and it
appears on the screen. If short intervals are assigned to many sentences, the
rate of operation increases as illustrated below.
A rate of operation exceeding 100% is impractical. For better performance, the
rate of operation should be less than 90%.
DATA1 output setting
1. Press [MENU], [9] and [3] keys to show the DATA1, 3 OUTPUT SETUP
Talker ID GP LC DE
Output Data (00-90 sec)81%
1. AAM:00 APA:00 APB:04 BOD:00
2. BWR:00 BWW:00 GGA:00 GLL:01
3. RMB:01 RMC:01 VTG:01 WCV:01
4. WNR:00 WPL:00 XTE:00 ZDA:01
5. GNS:00 ZTG:01 Rnn:00 RTE:00
DATA3. Log Pulse 200ppm 400ppm
MENU : Escape
ENT : Enter
Settings shown here are default settings.
This line appears only when LOG is
selected by internal jumper wires.
Data Fmt. V1.5 V2.0 IEC
Figure 4-1 DATA1, 3 OUTPUT SETUP menu
2. Press ▲ or ▼ to select DATA FMT
3. Press ◄ or ► to select V1.5, V2.0 or IEC.
4. Press the [ENT] key. Talker ID appears in reverse video.
5. Press ◄ or ► to select GP, LC or DE.
6. Press the [ENT] key.
7. Enter TX interval for each output data sentence in line 1. TX interval is
available in 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 10. 15, 20. 30, 60 and 90 msec.
8. Press the [ENT] key.
9. Enter TX interval for each output data sentence in lines 2 through 5. Press
the [ENT] key after setting each line.