Your NavNet vx2 display has just become your weather central.
NavNet vx2 is the most complete and versatile weather solution available on the
market today. It started with the FA30 Weather Fax and then the PB100 Ultrasonic
Weather Station. Now, with the addition of the BBWX1 Sirius Satellite Weather
Receiver, no other multi-function navigation system oers a more complete weather
solution for your vessel.
Furuno’s BBWX1 allows you to overlay up-to-the-minute weather information right
over your C-Map MAX charts. As shown on the screen at left, displaying a variety of
weather information is as simple as turning on or o a switch, which allows you to be
in control of the information you want to see. What’s even more amazing, is that this is
all being done on your C-Map MAX chart, which means you can plan your routes based
on specic weather information.
Sea Surface Temperature
Get a visual reading on varying surface water
temperatures, with red showing the warmest
and blue showing the coldest areas.
Weather Radar Overlay
Get real-time weather radar overlay on your
chart, showing the strongest precipitation in
dierent colors.
Surface Pressure and Wind
Display pressure isobars and frontal boundaries
on your screen. Also determine wind strength
and direction with wind feathers.
Point & Click Weather Data
For additional details on Sta-
tions, Marine Zone Forecasts,
Storm Cast, Marine Warnings,
Tropical Statements and other
information, simply click on the
symbol and a data box will show
with the information.
Animated Forecasts
When planning a voyage, you can animate pressure, wind
or wave forecasts to see how these items are predicted to
progress in the future.