Data available for Normal display 2, Data display and Graphic display
Item Displayed data
POS Own ship’s position (L/L)
COG Course over ground
SOG Speed over ground
STW Speed through water
TEMP Water temperature
DPT Depth
BRG Bearing to waypoint
RNG Range to waypoint
WPT Waypoint position (L/L)
XTE Cross-track error
TTG Time-to-Go to Destination
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
WIND TRUE* Wind direction and speed (True)
WIND RELATIV** Wind direction and speed (Relative)
VOLT Input/output power voltage to the processor unit
TRIP Trip distance
*True: The Speed and direction (relative to due north)
**Relative: The direction (in relation to ship’s bow) and speed of the wind as it
appears to those on board, relative to the speed and direction of
the boat; combination of the true wind and the wind caused by the
boat’s movement.
Analog indicator selection
Item Displayed data
RUDDER ANGLE Rudder angle
DEVIATION Deviation of heading
RUDDER/XTE Rudder angle will appear while in the STBY and AUTO
modes, XTE will appear while in the NAV mode.
DEV./XTE Deviation will appear in the STBY mode and AUTO modes,
XTE will be shown while in the NAV mode.