1.5 Optional Water Temperature/Speed Sensors
Through-hull mount water temperature/speed sensor ST-02MSB,
Select a suitable mounting location considering the following:
• Select a mid-boat flat position. The sensor does not have to be installed perfectly
perpendicular. The sensor must not be damaged in dry-docking operation.
• Select a place apart from equipment generating heat.
• Select a place in the forward direction viewing from the drain hole, to allow for circulation
of cooling water.
• Select a place free from vibration.
1. Dry-dock the boat.
2. Make a hole of approx. 51 mm in diameter.
3. Unfasten locknut and remove the sensor section.
4. Apply high-grade sealant to the flange of the sensor.
5. Pass the sensor casing through the hole.
6. Face the notch on the sensor toward boat’s bow and tighten the flange.
7. Set the sensor section to the sensor casing and tighten the locknut.
8. Launch the boat and check for water leakage around the sensor.
Face "notch"
toward bow.
Flange nut
Coat with
silicone sealant.
Figure 1-13 Water temperature/speed sensor ST-02MSB, ST-02PSB