Troubleshooting and tips
Error messag e/cause Resolution
Extended memory failed at offset: xxxx Failing Bits:
zzzz zzzz
When testing the extended memory an error has
resulted at the address xxxx.
► Check whether the additional me
module has been inserted correc
Failure Fixed Disk n
The settings of the hard disk drive are incorrect.
► Start the BIOS Setup (Primar
y Master
submenu) and select the corr
ect settings.
Keyboard controller error
► Switch the notebook off w
ith t h e ON/OFF
► Wait 3 - 5 seconds and switch on the
notebook again.
Keyboard error
If you are using an external keyboard:
► Check the connection and reboot the
nn Stuck key
► Make sure that no key is pressed.
Operating system not found
► Check in the BIOS Setup whether your hard
disk has been set correctly.
► Make sure that the operating system is
installed on the corresponding drive.
Press < F1> to resume , <F2> to SETUP
This error message appears if an error occurs
during the self-test before starting the operating
► Press the
ion key to start the
operating sys
► Press the function key
to access the
BIOS Setup.
Previous boot incomplete - Default configuration
used Due to an error during the previous system
boot, default values were used for certain
settings. Check the settings in the BIOS Setup.
► Press the
function key when prompted
to do so.
Real time clock error
► Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
nnnnK Shad o w RAM fa iled at offset: xxxx Failing
Bits: zzzz
► Contact
your sales outlet or our customer
e centre.
m battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP
► Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System cache error - Cache disabled
► Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System timer error
► Cont
act your sales outlet or our customer
vice centre.
112 Fujitsu Technology Solutions