
Important notes
Using headphones
When using headphones, follow the following safety instructions:
Use only those headphones recommended by Fujitsu Technology Solutions.
Otherwise, damage to your hearing cannot b e ruled out because of a too
high volume.
To prevent damage to your hearing, choose the lowest possible volume.
In the equaliser settings, choose a medium position. Other settings could
damage your hearing.
Note that other factors outside th e control of the manufacturer (such as
the operating system, equaliser software, drivers etc.) could increase the
headphones volume. Damage to your hearing in these cases cannot be
ruled out.
Protecting the devic
The device is not waterproof. Do not pour liquids on the s ystem or wash it with a heavily
soaked cloth. Do not place items on the top of the display, or damage may occur.
Energy saving
If you will not be using you r Tablet PC, switch it off. Switch off any connected external devices
when they are not in use. If you use the energy saving f unct ions, the Tablet PC uses less
power. You will then be able to work for longe r before having to recharge the battery.
Energy efciency is increased and the environmental impact is reduced.
You s ave money while protecting the environment.
Energy saving
Make use of
the power management features (see ""
Using the power - manag ement features",
Page 22").
12 Fujitsu Technology Solutions