1. Error Messages 7-3
Error Correction
2. Check
3. Warning
An error may be displayed on the Main Menu screen during data transfer.
This is a warning message.
For the warning details and solutions, refer to the User's Manual <Function> (FEH376) and correct
screen data.
Error Message Contents Solution
Screen No. Error There is no setting for the received screen.
At the start of communications, the UG30 series
regards the value in the read area “n + 2” as the
screen number.
Check that the value in the read area “n + 2” is
an existing screen number on the PLC.
Data has some error.
Error : XX (XX : XXX)
There is an error in the created screen data.
“Error : XX (XX : XXX)” indicates the edited
screen and the contents of the error.
For the error details and solutions, refer to the
User's Manual <Function> (FEH376) and
correct screen data.
Communication Error
Check I/F driver
Error Message Contents Solution
Communication Error
Check I/F driver
Although a request to send is given to the
computer, no answer is returned within the
specified time.
The I/F driver for simulator is transferred.
If you do not use the simulator, uncheck [Use
Simulator] before transferring data.
Warning message