Continued from
previous page.
C. Failed solenoid, failed computer,
or broken/loose wiring.
Test 1: Check sensor-lead
connections on outside of cookpot
and at pin 9 of 15-pin connector
and continuity of wire 71C.
Test 2: Check for AC voltage at
Pin 6 of 15-pin connector.
Test 3: Check for at least 22VAC
at solenoid end of wire 66C.
C. Action 1: Tighten connections
or replace wiring as required.
Action 2: If AC voltage is not
present, replace controller.
Action 3: If AC voltage is
present, replace solenoid.
If AC voltage is not present,
check wiring between solenoid
and terminal block for loose
connection or break in the wire.
Autoskim does not add
water when selected
(Autofill feature
verified to be working
A. Failed controller. A. Replace controller.
Basket lift does not
lower when START
button is pressed or
rise when cooking
cycle completes.
A. Failed basket lift relay.
Test: Check for 13-17VDC at Pin
10 of 15-pin connector with basket
lift in the UP position, and for 0
volts with the basket lift in the
DOWN position.
A. If voltages are correct, replace
B. Failed controller.
Test: Check for 13-17VDC at Pin
12 of 15-pin connector.
B. Replace controller if voltage is
below 12VDC.
Basket lift travels up
and down
A. Failed or out of adjustment
Test: Check continuity of switch
and verify that roller contacts cam.
A. Replace switch if it fails
continuity check.
Adjust switch mounting to
ensure roller contacts cam.
Basket lift travels
erratically or with
jerking motion.
A. Bell crank slipping on shaft. A. Tighten bell crank setscrew.
Ensure nut and locknut on shaft
are tight.
B. Lift arms binding in bushings B. Lubricate lift arms.
C. Defective motor. C. Replace motor.
Burner attempts to
light but will not
remain lit.
A. Flame sensor wire and ignitor
cables crossed.
A. Verify that sense 1 and spark 1
connect to same ignitor.
Burner will not light;
trouble light is on.
A. Cooker gas valve is turned off. A. Turn gas valve on.
B. Incoming gas line shut-off valve is
B. Open incoming gas line shut-off
Burner will not light;
trouble light is not on,
blower is not running.
A. Failed 24VAC (blower) relay.
Test: Check for 24VAC on pin 4
of 15-pin connector.
A. If voltage is present, replace