Specifications Your Notes
Model: TMQ-440
• batteries: 2 lithium (CR-2032)
• size: 12 x 8.3 x 1.4 cm
• weight: 4 oz. (without batteries)
© 1987-1996 Franklin Electronic Publisher,
Inc., Burlington, NJ 08016-4907 USA.
Classmates, Confusables, and Word Train
are trademarks of Franklin. All rights re-
FCC Notice: Complies with the limits
for a Class B computing device pursuant
to Subpart B of part 15 of FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference; and (2) This
device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
U.S. Patents 4,406,626; 4,490,811; 4,830,618;
4,891,775; 5,007,019; 5,113,340; 5,203,705;
5,218,536; 5,249,965; 4,982,181; 5,229,936;
5,295,070; 5,321,609; 5,333,313; 5,396,606;
5,153, 313.
Deutsch Pats. No. M 9409743.7 and M
9409744.5. European Patent 0 136 379.
REG. DES. 2043953.
Pat. Pend
ISBN 1-56712-296-5