Translating Words
✓ Correcting Misspellings
If you misspell a word in any language, or if
you enter a word that is not contained in this
translator, a list of corrections appears. Use
or to scroll to a correctly spelled word and
✓ Follow the Arrows
The flashing arrows on the right of the screen
show which arrow keys you can press to move
around the screen.
✓ Typing Special Characters
You can type accent marks, diacritical marks,
non-English letters, and capital letters, but
they are not needed to find matches.
Special characters can be typed by first typing
the desired letter and then repeatedly pressing
or until the desired character is displayed.
To type a punctuation mark, press , then press
or repeatedly until the desired character
is displayed.
✓ Changing Screen Contrast
To adjust the screen contrast, press
to go
to a source language screen and then press
or repeatedly to change the contrast.