amount 43
computing sums 45
creating 43
deleting 45
merging and transferring to a PC 43
payment type 43, 45
undeleting 45
Expenses menu 43, 45
Factory Reset 67
advanced transfer and merging 60
backing up and restoring 63
linking 54-56
merging 59-61
merging all linked files 57-59
recovering (PC Sidekick) only 62
restoring backup files 63
transferring 60, 61
unlinking 56
FILES (red) key 4, 29-33
Finding your communications port 53
Full titles of menu items 31, 38
Gauging the memory 60
Headphone jack 6
Help messages
in BOOKMAN Sidekick 10
in connectivity software 51
language 10
tutorial 10
Home clock
by changing time 16
by location or time zone 16
swapping with World clock 19
Home icon 16
Hyphens, typing 5
bell 18
calendar entries 24
Daily (Calendar) view 24
Home Clock 16
World Clock 17
Image file 63
Index fields 59
batteries 8
book cards 8
Key combinations 5
Language of help messages. See
Help messages
Link Databases dialog box 54-56
Linking files
linking a new BOOKMAN cardfile 54, 55
linking a new PC Sidekick file 54, 55
linking pairs of files 54
linking two existing files 54