2. Type letters and press ENTER.
Press to reveal a letter.
Press to reveal the word.
3. Press ENTER to play another round.
4. Press BACK to return to the Games menu.
In Jumble, a jumbled word appears and you must unscram-
ble the letters to spell a word or words.
1. Select Jumble on the Games menu.
2. Type a word and press ENTER.
Press to shuffle the letters.
Press to reveal the word.
3. Press ENTER to play another round.
4. Press BACK to return to the Games menu.
Word Deduction
Word Deduction challenges you to guess a three, four or
five letter word depending on the skill level you choose. You
have twelve tries in which to win.
1. Select Word Deduction on the Games menu.
2. Type a word.
For example, type gal.
Playing the Games
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