Help displays instructions for the
Exit leaves the game and returns to
the Word Games/Wortspiele menu.
Press or to highlight Yes and
press ENTER to leave the game.
Highlight No and press ENTER to
return to the Word Train menu.
3. Type letters to try and form a
A train enters the screen from the
Note: You and the computer also
take turns beginning a word. In the
rst round, you type the rst letter. In
the second round the computer will
type the rst letter, and so on.
4. Continue taking turns with the
computer, trying to be the rst
one to complete a word.
Remember, the length of a winning
word is determined by the skill level,
but must be at least 4 letters long.
If you complete a word rst, you win.
If you type a letter that cannot be
further built upon to make a word,
you lose.
Points are awarded for each round
you win. The amount of points per
word is determined by the skill level.
If your score registers as a high score,
you are asked to input your name.
Type your name and press ENTER.
OK is highlighted. Press ENTER again
to view the high scores screen. Press
or to highlight Cancel and then
press ENTER if you don’t want to add
your score.
Note: If your time is not a high score,
you go directly to the Word Train
5. Press or to highlight OK, if
necessary, and then press ENTER.
To clear the high scores, press or
until you highlight Clear All and then
press ENTER.
6. New Game is highlighted. Press
ENTER to play again.
Using Hints ✓
During a game, press OPTIONS for
additional options. Press or to
highlight the option you want and
then press ENTER.
New Game starts a new round. Press
ENTER to start a new game or press
and then press ENTER to return to
the current game.
Help displays instructions for the
game. Read the text or highlight
Close and press ENTER to return to
the game.
Playing the Word GamesPlaying the Word Games