+ 8: Plays your recorded pronunciation and compare with the
native. Note: The recordings will be erased after quitting the exercise.
Using the Quiz Section
1. In the Quiz section, press / / / to select an option and
then press
. You can select the following options (when
• Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced: Do quizzes related to the
current chapter in three levels. In a quiz, press / / / to select
the correct answer and then press
. To repeat the question,
press F1.
Some questions require you to record your own pronunciation and
give a grading. Press F2 to start the recording. Start to speak after the
2-second countdown. The recording stops automatically when the
progress bar is full. You will then be able to hear the native voice and
compare with your own to give a grading. Press the corresponding
number key to make a choice (0 is the lowest grade).
• Cont.: Select this option when you want to continue with your
incomplete quizzes.
Using the History Section
The History section shows your score records with the following
• Chart: Shows your score history in graphical format.
• Stat: Shows your score history in table format.
• Details: Shows your score history by indicating which questions
have been answered wrongly or correctly. Press / to switch
between levels.
4.6 Studying with EuroTalk