Combination Keys*
+ At a dictionary entry,
pages up or down.
+ At a dictionary entry, displays
the next or previous entry.
+ At a menu, goes to the first
or last item. At a dictionary
entry, goes to the start or
end of the entry.
+ Transfers a word between
+s Types ß.
+ Types an apostrophe (’).
+ Types a slash (/).
+ Goes to the traveller’s phras-
es menu. If a word is in the
Word Entry screen or is
highlighted, finds any phras-
es containing that word.
+ At the Word Entry screen,
types an asterisk to stand for
a series of letters in a word.
In games, gives a hint.
Key Guide
The red, green, yellow, and blue keys
on your BOOKMAN change functions
according to which book is selected.
When the built-in book is selected, the
colour keys function as labelled on
the BOOKMAN keyboard. When a
book card is selected, the colour keys
function as labelled on that book card.
When the language or languages in
your book card are different from
those in your built-in book, the key ref-
erences may also be different. Please
refer to the grid below for help in
determining a particular key’s function.
Deutsch Français English Italiano Español Symbols
hilfe aide help guida ayuda --------
clear effac clear canc borrar --------
zurück arr back indietro retro
eingabe entrer enter invio intro --------
menü menu menu menu menú --------
groß maj cap maiusc mayús
fn fn fn fn fn
karte carte card sched tarjet --------
leer espace space spazio espaciador
auf ht pg up giu abajo
ab bas pg dn su arrib
nächste suiv next seg sig
+ ;
vorig préc prev prec prev
Hold the first key while pressing the second.