labels displayed along the bottom of the
screen. To perform a Soft Key function, press
the unlabelled key at the top of the keyboard
that corresponds to the label you want. These
labels change to reect the dierent fuctions
available in the various books and exercises in
this device.
For example, in the main menu, the following
Soft keys are available:
BOOKS Displays the Books menu.
LEARN Displays the Learning Zone menu.
SOLVE Displays the Solvers menu.
GAMES Displays the Games menu.
TOOLS Displays the Tools menu.
Please refer to the specic topics in this User’s
Guide to learn the function of any available
Soft Keys.
Function Keys
Turns the product on or o.
Goes to the Advanced Crossword
Search screen, or returns to the last
advanced search screen you used.
Goes to the top of the Books menu.
Displays a help message.
Goes to the main menu. Goes to the
word entry screen in any book that
has one. Clears the calculator. In the
metric converter, goes to its main
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns o
the highlight in an entry.
Enters a word, selects an item, or
begins a highlight in an entry.
At a word entry screen, types a ?
to stand for a letter in a word. At
a menu, displays a menu item. At
a dictionary entry, displays the
headword. In games, reveals the
word and forfeits the game.
Types an underscore.
Shifts to type capital letters and
punctuation marks.
Shifts to allow previous, next, page
up, page down, and to type a
Combination Keys*
Key 1 + Key 2 means hold Key 1 while also
pressing Key 2.
+ At a dictionary entry, pages up or
+ At a dictionary entry, displays the
previous or next entry.
+ At a menu, goes to the rst or last
menu item. At an entry, goes to the
start or end of the entry.
+ J Types a hyphen.
+ Types an apostrophe.
+ Types a slash.
+ At a word entry screen, types an
asterisk to stand for a series of letters
in a word. In games, gives a hint.
Direction Keys
Movesup( ),down( ),left( ) or
right( ).
At menus and dictionary entries,
pages down. At a word entry screen,
types a space.
For Your Information
✓ Follow the Arrows
The ashing arrows on the right of the
screen show which arrow keys you can
press to move around menus or view more
✓ Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at any screen
by pressing HELP. Press or to read. To
exit help, press .
Using the Main Menu
Use the main menu to quickly take you to
dierent books, tools and exercises in your
device. The main menu contains ve tabs:
Books, Learning Zone, Solvers, Games and
Tools. Use and to move to another tab.
Use and to highlight the option you
want and press to select it. You can
also go directly to a tab by pressing the tab’s
respective Soft Key.
Understanding the Menus
The Books tab enables you to look up
denitions, thesaurus entries and crossword
solutions. Search denitions for words using
Bradford’s Crossword Solver’s Dictionary and
Crossword Lists, the Collins Compact Thesaurus
and the Collins Solutions English Dictionary.
You can also access the Collins Discovery
The Learning Zone tab enables you to access
Practice Crossword Clues, Word Games and
Crossword Indicators, an alpha-searchable list
of indicator words for anagrams and other
puzzles. You can also research language tools,
including grammar, spelling and sentence
structure, using The Good Writing Guide.
The Solvers tab allows you to access
Anagram Solver, Crossword Solver, and Word
Builder. Use these tools to help you nd words
used in crossword puzzles and other word
The Games tab allows you to access the
eleven games included in your device:
Anagram Game, Antonym Game, Hangman,
Synonym Game, Word Blaster, Word Deduction,
Word Train, 1 and 2 player Link Four and 1 and
2 player Noughts & Crosses. You can also adjust
the game settings.
The Tools tab allows you to access a
demonstration and tutorial of how this
device works. You can also utilize the
Timer, Calculator, the Metric and Currency
Converters. From the Tools menu you can also
adjust the device settings or view copyright
information for this device.
Viewing a Demonstration
or Tutorial
1. Press MENU.
2. Press TOOLS.
You can also press or until you reach
the Tools menu.
3. Press to highlight either Tutorial or
View Demo and press .
To stop the demonstration or exit from
the Tutorial and return to the Tools menu,
press CLEAR.
Changing the Settings
When using this device, you can activate
the Learn a Word feature, adjust the screen
contrast, the shuto time, and the type size.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press TOOLS.
You can also press or until you reach
the Tools menu.
3. Settings will be highlighted. Press
to select it.
4. Press or to move to Learn a Word,
Contrast, Shuto, or Type Size.
Learn a Word determines whether or not
you see a word every time you turn on
your device.
Contrast determines how dark or light the
screen is.
Shuto determines how long your product
stays on if no key is pressed.
Type Size determines how large or small
the text is in this device.
5. Press or to change the setting.
Your changes are automatically saved.
6. Press when done.
Press CLEAR to return to the Setup menu.
✓ Learn a New Word
Your dictionary comes with a Learn a
Word feature to help you increase your
vocabulary. Each time you turn your
dictionary on, you can see a random
Using the Crossword Solver’s
Use the Crossword Solver’s Dictionary to nd
solutions to crossword puzzle clues.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight Crossword
Solver’s Dict, then press .
4. Type a word (e.g., friend).
To erase a letter, press .
To type a capital, hold CAP and press a
letter key. To type a hyphen, press FN + J.
5. Press to view the entry.
Press or to scroll.
6. Press FN + or to view the next or
previous entry, if available.
7. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
✓ Understanding Crossword
Dictionary Entries
A crossword dictionary entry is a list of words,
synonyms and other words similar in meaning
to the headword. Entries are organized
according to the length of the word, so if you
are looking for a 4 letter word for “friend”, you
can go immediately to that area of the entry and
select from “ally”, “chum” or “mate”.
✓ Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelt word, a list of