dierent component to the adapter.
Refer to the diagram below to
remove and replace the connector.
2. Plug the wide end of a USB cable to
the AC adapter and the small end
into the USB port on your device.
3. Insert the AC adapter to a power
• Itgenerallytakesafewhoursto
completely recharge the battery.
Removing the Battery
In case you need to remove the battery
for replacement:
1. Open the battery cover on the back
of the unit.
2. Remove the battery by unplugging
from the connector on the device.
1.2 Battery Precautions
Your device is powered by a rechargeable
lithium polymer battery.
• Ifthedeviceisnotusedforalong
period of time, the battery may
lose its charge. Please recharge the
battery following the steps described
above in order to use your device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobe
charged under adult supervision.
• Useonlythesuppliedchargersto
recharge the battery. Improperly
charging a battery may damage it or
the device.
• Donotuseanunauthorizedbattery.
Use only the rechargeable battery
that came with your product or that
is listed in the user’s guide.
• Openthedeviceonlytoinsertor
change the battery. All other changes
to this device are strictly prohibited
and will invalidate the warranty.