Most programs come with online Help. This manual describes
all the features of the various programs in detail. Should you
require further technical support in the United States or Canada,
visit web site www.franklin.com/ebookman and follow the link
to the support screen or call (609) 386-8997 between 9AM and
5PM EST Monday through Friday. If you require further techni-
cal support outside of the United States and Canada, please
use the following contact information:
Australia franklin_book@one.net.au
Belgium infotech@franklinse.com
0900 10.388
France infotech@franklinse.com
0825 309 319
Germany & Austria support@franklingmbh.de
49 89 90899 116
Luxemburg & Netherlands infotech@franklinse.com
32 70 22.32.32
Mexico fepmexico@compuserve.com
01 800 710 5938
Switzerland support@uhu.ch
41 1 2403360
United Kingdom info@franklin-uk.co.uk
0800 328 5618
About Screen Illustrations
Some screen illustrations in this user’s guide may vary slightly
from what you see on the device. This does not mean your
eBookMan is malfunctioning.
User’s Guide